Saturday, December 1, 2018

Beaux Arts Village

Today's entry is actually at the back of the book--it is the "advertisement" for the planned village in Washington...

From the book:
Beaux Arts Village

"THE Beaux Arts Society was founded in 1908 with the idea of establishing a community in many respects similar to the Garden Villages of England, and to advance the arts and crafts, as related to home building.  With this object in view the Society acquired a tract of land on the shores of Lake Washington which was named Beaux Arts Village.  This is a beautiful spot which offers unlimited opportunities for the building of such a village.   Most of the great trees and natural cover have been preserved, and just enough clearing done to make the roadways. The Society is divided into two branches, the Western Academy of Beaux Arts and the Beaux Arts Workshop. The former having for its aim the educational features...

Beaux Arts Village
 ...and the latter the industrial features and business management.  ¶The educational work has been planned along lines similar to the Chautauqua, but confined to arts and crafts work only.The workshop is for the practical demonstration of this study.  The work so far has been confined to establishing the village and to putting the institution on a firm financial basis.  ¶A magazine to further advance the Beaux Arts idea will soon be published at the village.  Workshops are being planned, and there is no doubt that this will be before long, one of the most interesting places in the West.  The establishment of such a village will lead to a greater interest in home building.  Gardening and outdoor life will lead to a greater happiness and pleasure in life."

These are the last two pages of the book, designed to stir interest in Beaux Arts.  The actual village is only 1/10 of a square mile in area, approximately 2100 ft. by 1025 ft.

Village of Beaux Arts (courtesy of Google Maps)

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